Western Canada distance table

When planning a trip to Western Canada, it is important to consider the distances between destinations, which can be considerable in a country so vast!

Note that the highway speed limit is 100 km/hour. Calculate your travel times to make sure your route is realistic and not a race against time!

Consult our Western Canada road trips for ideas!



967 1095 914 916 515 898 1622 695 1601 *308 *282 123 *192 395  Whistler  
566 694 322 551 276 459 1183 303 1162 *675 *649 448 *517  Wells Gray Park 
*885 *1013 *832 *834 *433 *821 *504 *603 *967 321 295 *69  Victoria
847 975 794 796 395 778 1502 565 1481 *227 *201  Vancouver
*1033 *1161 *980 *982 *581 *969 *486 *751 *949 26  Ucluelet
*1059 *1187 *1006 *1008 *607 *995 *512 *777 *975  Tofino
11364 1492 1079 1313 1388 703 463 1438  Stewart
282 410 455 231 192 735 1459  Revelstoke
1385 1513 1100 1334 1409 724  Prince Rupert
661 789 376 610 685  Prince George
474 602 602 401  Kelowna
51 179 229  Lake Louise
287 413  Jasper
128  Calgary

* An asterisk * indicates that the route includes a ferry crossing
* Google Maps is a useful tool for selecting routes and calculating distances

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